marianne hickman




Marianne is an award-winning Speaker and Stage Facilitator with an ever-growing client list that includes award-winning speakers, entrepreneurs and CEOs .

For the last 33 years, Marianne has taken the stage globally along side the country's most renowned speakers and mentors like Dan Clarke and Keaton (The Muscle) Hoskins, and regularly appears on both public and private stages.

As a number-one best selling author, Marianne's understanding of "Parasocial Interaction," (which is the study of how speakers educate and influence groups), has placed her in classrooms at universities and private corporate retreats worldwide.

Second only to being wife and mother to her six children, Marianne's life's work has been to seek out and certify the next generation of exemplary entrepreneurial speakers to grow their influence and businesses through the power of their voice.

She is the Host of the "Marianne Hickman Show" podcast, and is a transformative influence in the lives of her millions of viewers on social media.

When Marianne is not on stage, you can find her creating memorable experiences with her family, or farming on her growing homestead.

public speaking
public speaking

My why

My family is everything. Period. I am first a wife and mother. I took my kids out of the public school system because I wanted to play a bigger part in their education. I want them to learn self-reliance, leadership, entrepreneurship, and raise a tribe who can then help others do the same. Raising successful happy humans is my goal.

Like you, Richard and I are raising our family in a world where it is under attack. In subtle and ferocious ways that often go unnoticed usually until it's too late. There is a race for malicious power and control that is crippling hearts and families.

My mission is a grassroots movement that starts at home, then moves to events that change lives. But I can't do it alone.

I need to find the best people on the planet, magnify their voices, and help them make stupid money doing it so that the impact is felt worldwide.

How it all started...

I was on stage just after my 3rd birthday...

I belong to a church that gives tiny kids the chance to speak on stage in front of a bunch of grown ups and other kids, just after learning how to speak in complete sentences.

I started competitively speaking at the age of 12

In my twenties, I started to see if I could make it into a business.

At my first event, a whopping ZERO people showed up.

But I presented anyway. I was relentless. I continued to schedule events even when I could have judged the audience to be "tiny," and even when they were bored.

I learned the skills to not only educate, but to transform the room - so that whoever came in, left the room a better version of themselves.

public speaking
keynote speaker

How its going

Over the past 35 years, I have spoken on thousands of stages all over the world. Millions of people have participated, both online and in person.

I have helped companies grow by 3x, then 10x, generating tens of millions of dollars in revenue.

My goal is to get my students on one million stages, and help them generate one billion in revenue.

Working with me

You can join our group calls or my private one on one coaching.

As we work together, I'll take you through my eleven step speaker formula to take your expertise, craft it into your signature keynote through my pressure-cooker system, and then turn that message into revenue, regardless of your industry.

Don't be confused - this is not going to feel like sunshine and rainbows. We're talking about the world's NUMBER ONE fear - public speaking.

But here's what I can tell you. If you REALLY want it, it will be far more than worth it.

When you have that moment on stage, where you FEEL the audience, where you show up and serve, and then afterward, get the unsolicited

"Thank you - you changed my life..."

Every moment of stage fright and nervousness, all the tears you spent investing in the emotion of your story and your presentation...

It will all be more than worth it.

keynote speaker

Get started building your signature presentation

This blueprint walks you through the ten steps to create your signature presentation, and how to deliver more than just an informational speech – but a transformational experience.

public speaking
public speaking


Get a free copy of my ebook
The Ultimate Signature Presentation Blueprint